The Lily Calvert Foundation

The Lily Calvert Foundation was established in memory of baby Lily, who died aged 10 months and 15 days of an incurable brain condition known as Miller Dieker Syndrome. LC supports children and babies with terminal illnesses.

In memory of Lily, LCF is her legacy

The Lily Calvert Foundation was established to honour the life of Lily Sujata Calvert, who died aged 10 and a half months of an incurable brain condition known as Miller Dieker Syndrome. The aim of the foundation is to support children with terminal illnesses and their families.

Despite major advances in our capacity to prevent and cure serious conditions of infancy and childhood, there remains a group of children for which cure is not possible. LCF focuses on enhancement of quality of life for the child and support for the family, and including support for provision of respite, and care for families through death and bereavement.

LCF has developed an innovative musical care program that extends music therapy practices through the daily lives on children receiving respite or end of life care. The program allows music therapy skills and tools to be incorporated into care of the children by nurses, carers and volunteers at the hospice. LCF has funded accommodation for families while their children receive respite and care at the hospice or at Victorian Hospitals.

“Lily loved music and music therapy was her favorite weekly activity. Lily really lit up to the music and it is our aim to help other families share the joy of music with their children”

Our objectives

LCF raises money to support children with terminal illnesses. Grants of funding will be used to help families make the most of the time they have with their sick children.

LCF aims to grant funds raised locally to local institutions or organisations working in the space where practicable.

Organisations that offer flexible arrangements including assisting in-home care should that be a family’s preference will be prioritised.

LCF seek’s to raise awareness around pediatric palliative care, grief and child loss